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Image by Önder Örtel

Long Covid

Long Covid is a debilitating, post-Covid condition, with multiple physical symptoms that can affect all systems of the body. Whilst most people will recover in time, symptoms tend to fluctuate and relapse and can be very difficult to manage.

About Long Covid

Psychological Impact

Having long covid is a very difficult experience. Not only can a person no longer function well in the roles they value, (for example as employee, parent or friend), their leisure activities and usual ways of coping with life are significantly limited. It can be very isolating and people can feel as if they are living a very different life to others around them. Understandably a person’s mood is likely to suffer, people sometimes feel really hopeless and anxious about their situation.

Recovery Process

Recovering from Long Covid is a slow process of unknown length – and this is part of what makes it so psychologically challenging. Increasingly though, research is showing that people do recover but that it may take a few years, rather than a few months.

Long Covid is a condition in which doing ‘just that bit too much’ can cause an exacerbation of symptoms and lead to days back in bed. This, just when a person starts to think they’re improving, is particularly hard to manage.

My Story

I contracted Covid in October 2020. It was a relatively mild infection – ‘a nasty cold’ – but after 10 days I started to feel worse and just didn’t recover. I had a whole range of symptoms and was housebound for months. I have learnt a lot about managing the uncertainty of a chronic illness, especially one which is poorly understood and often invisible. I have tried a wide range of conventional and alternative treatments, alongside careful pacing and resting. I am now able to live a fulfilling life again and offer hope to others.

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The Sessions

Firstly, the mode, frequency and length of sessions will be tailored to suit your needs. Some people cannot look at a screen without feeling unwell, others find sessions of 30 minutes as much as they can manage. I can see you face to face, via Zoom/Teams or we could have telephone calls.  
A detailed assessment is an important first step. As part of this I will be keen to know about your experience of Long Covid, how it developed, what symptoms you experience and what effect it has had on your life. I will be interested to know what you have tried with regards to treatment and what support you have had. I would like to know a bit of background about you – your personal history, relationships and any other significant life experiences.
Together we will then discuss the best focus for our work. I can support people to better understand their condition, improve their resting and their pacing, and share psychological skills which could help you keep hopeful and positive about your recovery. I have further training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which is particularly recommended for helping people manage their illnesses.

"What can I do to help myself?"

It sounds counterintuitive, but firstly, try to accept that you have the condition and don’t battle with it. You need to save your energy so your body can use it to recover. Learn about pacing here. Seek support from others with Long Covid. Some online support groups are great - find one with a positive outlook

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